Monday, 13 August 2007

Minging Mondays

Went to a fantastic concert on Friday - Nitin Sawhney at the RAH. Probably better than the CD - which is a rare thing.

One of the best quotes in the world is by Steve Jobs:

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. "

I've been reminding myself of this every day since I read it...

Have a good week!

Friday, 10 August 2007

Fwenzied Fwiday


Well today is the day when all fwenzy happens before the weekend or before the boss comes back on Monday.

How about a little slooow down?

Mind you my brain has slowed right down to snail's pace. Almost switched off.

Another F word - facebook - very addictive lots of fun - check it out - great for sloowing down!

Hasta la vista!

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Tempestuous Thursdays

Whooosh! Goes the political climes of the office on this bright and sunny day. What better than to share an article about dread.

How many of us would rather get things over and done with when faced with a difficult situation? mmm sometimes procrastination helps!

mañana, mañana...

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Worrying Wednesdays

Woe woe woe is me. Only half way through the week and already thinking about the weekend. Well here's something to make you think about why work should not be woe (I keep telling myself this).

Work for most people takes up over 1/3 of your time from Monday to Friday. If you had your way would you do something that you HATED for 8 hours a day? I don't think so, but work doesn't seem to be play for so many people. It's a schlep, it's a necessity, it's for money. Western society often says that work is work not fun - but that is changing - take a look at Google's offices

In fact, a lot of people leave corporate environments for that very reason - they can't really relax. And if you can't relax you can never do your best work. Recently I read about the idea of co-working

Sounds very cool to me...

Stop worrying about what other people think - laugh a little or a lot - my choice is the latter - in and out of the workplace.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


Try harder Tuesdays!

Well, that is what my father used to say to me. Solidarity to all those people trying your best to please your parents and never quite hitting the mark! Even though I felt that I was rubbish at everything I tried - his criticism was his way of "complimenting" me...hmmm Parents - don't! Just praise your children for effort and well, for just trying. Otherwise your children will have it ingrained in them that perfection is the only thing that is acceptable in life. And nothing is perfect - not even perfection...Anyway what better way to try harder than to understand the rules of a game. And here are the rules of ...

SQUASH - rules , in actual fact just whack that ball as hard as you can and you'll still enjoy it!

Happy whacking!

Monday, 6 August 2007


Monday is motivational day. Well usually it is NON motivational day for most - particularly me. Anyhoo on Mondays I'll find some light entertainment for y'all.

One of my favourite websites is

It's not updated so much now, but still has my beloved Oolong the bunny on there, adorned with all sorts of err food. On his head.

Anyway, appeals to me and there are some other funnies there, so hope it makes mmmMonday just a little easier to bear!

Saturday, 4 August 2007


Greetings. They say that writing a daily journal is good thing for creativity. 3 pages of streamed consciousness coming going from head to pen to paper every morning. mmm at the moment all I do is roll over and try to turn down the volume of the radio to snooze. I moved onto a sub-standard clock radio from a perfect Sony one just because I thought it would be good to be able to plug my iPod in. Or wake up to something on my iPod. As it stands I rarely put my iPod in the stand. Conclusion? Go back to the proper alarm clock...or get an iPod that STAYS in the dock... the latter sounds more attractive but not being the cash-rich gal that I once was seems a far away choice.. MORE stuff...even.

But anyway! Journalling...another thing to try on my list. But first, let's look at the price of iPods....

Hasta luego.

Friday, 3 August 2007


Good day! I've been wlistening (the new efficient wreading for me) to an audio book in the car - Bill Bryson's A Short History of Everything. So far, it's fascinating - but full of lots and lots and lots of big numbers because he's been talking about the age of the planet Earth and at the moment E=(mc)squared. Good idea these audio books but not so good for numbers I've discovered. If I were reading the book I would have just looked at the trillion trillion billion xxx and realised it was a very big number, but when it's being read like a story - it's a bit of a waste of time because when the reader is reading he has to say this is one, zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero ....that is one trillion...PACH! ridiculous. However, not sure how else he could do it. Still doing a spiffing job. Have listened to the nearly 5 hours. Only another 14 to go...but I'm sure even after 19 hours we will only the briefest of histories of the world. Perhaps 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of it :-)


Welcome! I tried to register readingritingrithmetic but some bugger has posted something in 2003...and then nothing.

Anyhoo, on the topic of wReading.

Recently I was introduced to . It's a website that sends you books by instalments. What a great idea. It has loads of classics on it, books I've thought about and wanted to read for ages, but just the thought of lugging around a paperback along with all my other reading paraphernalia just doesn't attract.

So, as an email addict I find this a great way to read email...and books! First book I've read is "Ullysses" by James Joyce - a strange start but vaguely intriguing.

Until tomorrow.
