Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Worrying Wednesdays

Woe woe woe is me. Only half way through the week and already thinking about the weekend. Well here's something to make you think about why work should not be woe (I keep telling myself this).

Work for most people takes up over 1/3 of your time from Monday to Friday. If you had your way would you do something that you HATED for 8 hours a day? I don't think so, but work doesn't seem to be play for so many people. It's a schlep, it's a necessity, it's for money. Western society often says that work is work not fun - but that is changing - take a look at Google's offices

In fact, a lot of people leave corporate environments for that very reason - they can't really relax. And if you can't relax you can never do your best work. Recently I read about the idea of co-working

Sounds very cool to me...

Stop worrying about what other people think - laugh a little or a lot - my choice is the latter - in and out of the workplace.

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